
A two week walk with the VMTC in the Watarrka National Park, Northern Territory.

This walk starts and ends at Kings Canyon. We had permission from the local tribal elders to do an extended walk in their tribal lands. For cultural reasons they asked that we not put any photos of artwork up on the internet. We have respected that wish.

The local aboriginal community have an excellent cultural experience and tour that I would highly recommend to anyone who visits this area.

KARRKE Home | Aboriginal Cultural Experience | Watarrka.

This is an extremely remote area in a very arid environment. There is very limited water anywhere in this park. The nearest town is Alice Springs 250km away. We had to do a day trip to do one water drop and check on a water hole before we started. We also had two other water and food drops bought in by helicopter. We had a satellite phone and Garmin In-Reach with us for emergencies. It is not a trip for the inexperienced!